A Different Kind of Education

At SCCS, students pursue goodness, truth, and beauty. We believe that education impacts more than just a child’s knowledge—it forms their mind, spirit, and character.

Our classrooms are a training ground for a curious mind, virtuous heart, and courageous faith in God that leads to lifelong flourishing. We begin with the end in mind, insisting that knowledge be paired with virtue so that our students may acquire the tools for lifelong wisdom (and be empowered to act accordingly).

Teaching with wisdom and virtue in mind (rather than knowledge alone), alters the focus of education to who we become, not simply what we know.

Seattle Classical Christian School serves students in Pre-K through 11th Grade.


Ready to Learn More?

With great joy, I welcome you and invite you to learn more about Seattle Classical Christian School, where faith, wisdom, and character converge.

I chose SCCS for my children because I wanted their hearts to be shaped along with their minds, and I now serve in Admissions because I see firsthand the transformation that happens when children are known, loved, and pursued in excellence. I yearned for a place where students thrive and families find community - and my family experiences that here at SCCS.

I am here to help, and I can’t wait to learn more about you!

Laura West
Admissions Director



We aim to graduate young men and women who:

Love God

Seek to glorify God in all things with a servant’s heart.

Are capable of evaluating their entire range of experience in light of the Scriptures, and who do so with eagerness in joyful submission to God.

Think with Reason

Understand limits of human knowledge, and the existence of mystery in our physical world.

Seek understanding and ask questions, with freedom in faith.

Speak with Humility and Wisdom

Are quick to listen and slow to speak.

Arrive well-prepared in all situations, possessing both information and the desire to use it humbly.

Cherish Beauty

Love and regard beauty in creation and culture.

Leaves beauty in their wake.

Embody Virtue

Habitually practice core virtues: Honor, Self-control, Stewardship, and Wisdom.

Extend and exude grace and graciousness in society with each others.

Are Invested Citizens

Navigate culture with a biblical framework rooted in the gospel.

Contribute through servant leadership to the needs and growth of their city and communities.

Academically it’s a healthy challenge but also coming from public school my kids really value this time to examine and gain confidence in their faith, knowing how much they’ll need to be equipped to engage the world and neighbors around them.
— Pickel Family
SCCS provides an EXCELLENT education in every sense of the word. My children are thriving from their time in school.
— Current SCCS Parent
I feel more confident about myself at SCCS
— Current 8th Grade Student
We’ve loved the care and education our boys have had at SCCS... The community of people surrounding them and the focus on character formation as they learn are some of the things we appreciate most at SCCS.
— Nanfelt Family
I am growing closer to and finding more joy in Jesus
— Current 8th Grade Student
If I had to do it all over again, I would choose to have my kids receive a Classical Christian Education.
— Kim T., Current SCCS Donor

How You Can Get To Know Us



Experience the SCCS Difference

We love to share about the joyful learning happening at SCCS, but it’s always better when you see it for yourself!

An informational session and campus tour takes about an hour and gives you the opportunity to meet our Head of School to talk more about how an education with SCCS could benefit your child, and to see our formation in action.



Tell Us About Your Family

The admissions process begins with learning about your family. Complete the form above and we will send you information and next steps.



A classical education under God's love and authority builds the foundation for human flourishing.

We believe that education impacts more than just a child’s knowledge—it forms their mind, spirit, and character.

Our students receive much more than just an excellent education. Our classrooms are a training ground for a curious mind, virtuous heart, and courageous faith in God that leads to flourishing. We begin with the end in mind, insisting that knowledge be paired with virtue so that our students may acquire the tools for lifelong wisdom (and be empowered to act accordingly).

We provide a classical education within a biblical worldview, prioritizing gospel-infused character formation and rich academics. Our students learn to love the things of God as they pursue reason, cultivate discernment, and grow in speaking with humility and wisdom.

Teaching with wisdom and virtue in mind (rather than knowledge alone), alters the focus of education to who we become, not simply what we know. We exist to form students who are set apart and well-prepared to embody God's goodness, truth, and beauty in all of life.


Classical Christian education at SCCS is the cultivation of wisdom and virtue by focusing on goodness, truth, and beauty under the Lordship of Jesus.


Our students learn by asking questions, reading original texts, and using logic to reach educated conclusions. We teach our students in the way that aligns with their natural development, encouraging a love of learning that equips them well beyond the classroom.

We use integrated interdisciplinary learning and participate in the "Great Conversation" by studying ideas that have stood the test of time. This ongoing conversation of great minds down through the ages is facilitated by reading rich, primary-source material that can be unpacked again and again.

We focus on cultivating virtue. With the Gospel at the center, our students learn stewardship, honor, wisdom, and self-control. Character and virtue are of paramount importance—they influence every aspect of a person’s life.